Nigella Sativa, Black Cumin

Commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine for its therapeutic action, Black Cumin strengthens immunity and fights free radicals. In addition, it has protein, vitamins B1, B2, and B3, folic acid, and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, copper, and zinc, also acting as a natural anti-inflammatory option.

  • Origin: Plant Based
  • Source: Itself
  • Type: Herbs, Roots & Barks
  • Age Range: Adults
  • Toxicity: May be toxic in high doses
  • Outcomes: Specific Conditions, Cholesterol and Triglycerides

What are Black Cumin benefits?

Known as Nigella Sativa, black cumin is a plant native to Asia. It has become known around the world for its strong flavor used in spices, ranging from spicy like pepper to strong like garlic. Meanwhile, its fame in science has gained strength after studies proving its physiological and pharmacological properties, which is why it has become a potent nutraceutical. With action on the reproductive, digestive, immune, and central nervous systems, it has also been used worldwide for its anti-inflammatory and hypolipidemic effects.

Table of relations

Consistent effects
Strength of effects
Scientific articles

Specific Conditions Black Cumin and Specific Conditions

Specific body conditions categorize precise areas of our body, such as: Respiratory allergies; Liver; Eye health; Blood pressure; Cholesterol and triglycerides; and Blood glucose control. These areas require specific attention because they are delicate functions related to other parts of the body. Respiratory allergies, for example, are linked to the immune system, and to present an effective nutraceutical, we keep our scientific base up to date.
  • Cholesterol and Triglycerides

    Triglycerides and cholesterol are both types of fat present in blood. They play very important roles in the body, such as hormone metabolism and nutrient circulation. In order for them to function properly, they need to be at optimum levels - not too high neither too low. The primary way to keep those good levels is to have a healthy diet, with lots of fiber and balanced fats. But there are some nutraceutics that have been proven to help in this process in a very effective way.

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Commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine for its therapeutic action, Black Cumin strengthens immunity and fights free radicals. In addition, it has protein, vitamins B1, B2, and B3, folic acid, and minerals such as phosphorus, iron, copper, and zinc, also acting as a natural anti-inflammatory option.