Berberis aquifolium, Berberis aristata, Argemone mexicana, Berberine

Berberine, or Barberis aristata, is a widespread alkaloid in traditional Chinese medicine. Its source is in the extraction of various plants used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its main benefit is reducing insulin resistance and improving biomarkers of type II diabetes, such as fasting glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin.

  • Origin: Plant Based
  • Source: Itself
  • Type: Herbs, Roots & Barks
  • Age Range: Adults, Seniors
  • Toxicity: May be toxic in high doses
  • Outcomes: Specific Conditions, Blood Sugar Control

What are Berberine benefits?

Berberine is a plant-based substance that is considered herbal and is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. Its major benefits are the breakdown of sugar in the blood, aiding in insulin resistance. In addition, it reduces sugar production in the liver and improves hormone function. A great ally in the treatment of diabetes, it also acts on blood pressure and wound healing, and protects the brain from degenerative diseases. Because it is extracted from plants, there are no food sources with this alkaloid, so check out our quiz to find out if this nutraceutical fits your needs!

Table of relations

Consistent effects
Strength of effects
Scientific articles

Specific Conditions Berberine and Specific Conditions

Specific body conditions categorize precise areas of our body, such as: Respiratory allergies; Liver; Eye health; Blood pressure; Cholesterol and triglycerides; and Blood glucose control. These areas require specific attention because they are delicate functions related to other parts of the body. Respiratory allergies, for example, are linked to the immune system, and to present an effective nutraceutical, we keep our scientific base up to date.
  • Blood Sugar Control

    The body's cells use glucose to produce energy. Glucose comes from food and is stored in the body in the form of glycogen (in the muscles and liver) or circulating glucose (in the blood). Cells need the hormone Insulin to capture glucose molecules. The glucose / insulin balance in the blood is essential for the proper functioning of the body's whole metabolism. A change in this metabolism can lead to serious physiological dysfunctions, leading to the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, such as type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. There are several classes of compounds that influence this metabolism, these can increase insulin synthesis and secretion, decrease blood glucose levels, reduce the immediate absorption of carbohydrates, regulate the sensitivity of cells to insulin, among others.

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